


1    Load-Out Name    Displays name of current load-out; click to edit
2    Character    Shows currently equipped character uniform/outfit
Primary    Shows currently equipped Primary Weapon
Secondary    Shows currently equipped Secondary Weapon
Equipment    Shows currently equipped Equipment slot item
3   Weapon/Item List    Displays currently owned weapons/items for use in the selected slot
4   Head    Shows currently equipped Head item
Face    Shows currently equipped Face item
Hands    Shows currently equipped Gloves
Feet    Shows currently equipped Footwear
Holster    Shows currently equipped Holster

5  Grenade Select    Allows choice of minor grenade (Smoke, Flashbang) and major grenade (Teargas, Fragmentation)
Save    Saves current load-out
Reset    Resets current load-out to last saved settings
6    Load-Out Preview    Displays a preview of the selected load-out

Match Lobby

1    Room Detail    Displays current match options
Swap Team    Swaps player between Counter-Terrorist and Terrorist teams
Ready    Toggles 'ready' state (allows for match start)
2    Match Players    Displays players in current room, sorted by team
3    Chat Box    Displays chat messages from other players in the room & allows player to send messages
4    Notice Info    Important information scrolls along the bottom of the screen
Clock    Displays the current time; click to switch between local and server time





1    Shop Menu    Select shop category

2    Selected Item    Currently selected item; Displays in red

Price    List price in GP (Game Points) and/or AP (Astros) for various durations

Buy Button    Opens the purchase window

Gift Button    (Not pictured) Opens the gifting window

3    Preview Image    Displays preview image for currently selected item

Item Description    Displays description for currently selected item

4    Purchase Window    Opens when 'Buy' button is clicked

Item Preview    Displays image and description for item

Purchase Options    Select the duration and payment method (Game Points or Astros)

5    Buy Button    Confirms selection and purchases items